Finding Your Inner Peace & Calmness
Don’t you find life to always be filled with stress? Doesn’t it seem like there is always something that happens which encompasses our entire attention, and thus drain our positive energy? As our society grows more and more complex, finding true peace becomes more...
9 Ways how Self- Love Can Make You Confident
I know the whole self-love thing is being talked about all over the place right now, but most people still have no clue what that even means! It really means something different for each person, because we all have many different ways to show that we love ourselves....
12 Things Mentally Strong People Do
Mental strength isn't usually reflected in what you do. It's more often seen in what you don't do. Self-pity is destructive and creates feelings of negativity. The goal is swap self-pity with gratitude. Grit, resilience, mindfulness and an unwavering perseverance are...
How to be more Productive ?
Productivity depends on your planning and efficiency at work. It is something that comes from within and cannot be forced after a certain level. Here are a few ways to boost your productivity: Schedule less time for important tasks. This seems...
11 Home Remedies You Must Know!
Are you among those who pop a pill every time you experience some pain? Your body can throw you for a loop at any time. You wake up with a sore throat the day you're set to make a major presentation, a seafood-salad sandwich leaves you with grumbling indigestion, or...
10 Tips to Get your Concentration Back!
Concentration requires a great amount of effort and time. Even if you practice it for one week or even a month, the result won't be productive if your brain isn’t performing well. Still, there are fairly easy ways to improve your concentration quickly and effectively....
Reiki: Healing with a miracle touch
If you have been feeling stressed and depressed with your lifestyle, or if you want to free your mind of all worries and live in harmony with everything around you, here's a miracle touch to put an end to all your mental and physical ailments. Have you ever wished to...
5 Steps That Get Past Your Anger
Handling your anger and getting into a happier, healthier life. A grudge is a gift that keeps on giving--misery, that is. It causes anxiety, depression, anger, paranoia, isolation, insomnia, and physical pain. But by forgiving your transgressor, you take back control...
8 Alternative Uses of Indian Spices
Are you using your spices just to pep up your dishes? Well, it's time you know ways you can use them for their proven health benefits. Asafoetida It's commonly known as Hing in India. It's warm in nature and that probably explains the reason it helps to increase the...