Are You Fully Committed to Your Own Self?
What is self-commitment? What does it take to really commit to your promises and follow through in spite of the difficulties that arise along the way? Self-commitment is a promise to follow through on your accountability, or a promise to perform your intended actions....
The Power of Laughter in Your Life
Humour is a way to strengthen your relationship. In challenging moments, humour can help you find a silver lining and transform painful situations. What if you could find ways to laugh and play together and write a tough narrative in a positive light. The benefits of...
Ready to train your inner voice?
Our inner voices aren’t simply our thoughts. They’re an internalized collection of input from society, culture, parents, teachers, friends, partners, bosses, and other influences. While our inner voices aren’t exactly us, they’re part of us, and that means we have...
The Power of Journaling
Coping with stress can be difficult, but journaling may help. Journaling can help you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, you can use your journal to help you improve your habits and behaviours. Journaling is a practice that has been around for...
Are you feeling drained out?
Let's understand what feeling drained out means! If you are emotionally spent, there are several signs and symptoms that you may experience in your daily life. Some of the signs may be: Feeling negative, hopeless, and helpless about your situation Feeling unable to...
Learn to Value Yourself
When you lose track of your self-worth and stop doing the things you love – the things that make your heart happy! – you lose a little bit of what makes you – YOU! You lose a little of your spark. And that’s not good for you or anyone else! You can decide how you want...
Understanding your Emotions
Have you been feeling stressed, sad or disappointed during the last several months? When this happens, it can help to remember your feelings are there for a reason. There is no such thing as a “bad” emotion. Pause. Before you start repressing those feelings and...
Letting go of Resistance- Going with the Flow
Are you resisting change in your life? Are you going with the flow? When we resist, we don’t show up as our best version, but instead we can fall into non-nourishing thought patterns, lose our motivation, and feel as if we no longer have agency over our lives because...
Do you Make Self-Care a Priority?
How often do you make time for yourself? Most of us take on way more than we can handle. We have so much to do and not enough time to do it. We stress ourselves out and are exhausted by the end of the day. Are you being faced with barriers to self care? You and I both...