The Power of Your Quiet Time!
Our lives are busy, and many of us don’t embrace silence that often. So how can silence help us? Silence. Some of us welcome it. For others, the thought of sitting in silence is enough to make their skin crawl. Silence offers opportunities for self-reflection and...
Ready to Connect Deeper with Your Inner Child?
What is an inner child and what does it know? Our inner child is a part of ourselves that’s been present ever since we were conceived, through utero and all the developing years after when we were young and developing into tender selves: baby, infant, toddler, young...
Unblock Your Chakras with Regular Meditation Practice!
Are you aware of the deeper beautiful moments in your life? Are you ready to train your deeper consciousness to enjoy this inner beauty that you have? How Meditation can help balance our energies/ Chakras? Silence, in the form of inner silence especially, is the...
How to Appreciate Your True Inner Self?
When we feel grateful for something, we appreciate the good aspects of it just the way they are, aspects that we might have taken for granted, aspects that seem too little to praise, or aspects that have always been a blessing. Now, let's turn that to our own selves....
10 Tips to Activate your Intuitions!
Intuition stems from a heightened sense of awareness—a perceptual ability that is beyond linear cause and effect. It is as contextual and relational as it is wise and nourishing. Intuition comes from a place beyond the thinking mind—beyond logic, reasoning, and...
Setting Intentions for the New Year- Not Resolutions!
A new year is a great opportunity to reflect on your growth of the previous year. It’s a good time to review what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown through the inevitable challenges life presents. Growth can be painful—but it brings with it proof of our resilience....
Ready to Activate your Law of Attraction?
Positive thoughts will greatly impact a person’s life, while negative thoughts will have the opposite effect, according to the law of attraction. It is based on the notion that success in all areas of life—including health, wealth, and relationships — is attracted by...
Staying Grounded during the Holidays
The holiday season can be full of fun and folly. It can involve unusual schedules, staying up late, and indulging in lots of delicious food. Many of these situations could disrupt your internal stability and cause unnecessary stress. It’s SO important to stay grounded...
Barriers to Your Self-Growth
Personal development is a great process and sometimes you don’t get the progress that you’d expect because of some barriers that are inside you, even though you can’t really acknowledge them. Whether it’s your negativity or lack of determination, there are many things...