
The information provided on this web site is intended to provide only general information and guidance relating to health and fitness topics (the “Information”) and includes information compiled from a number of resources (the “Third Party Resources”). The Information should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own physician or any other health care professional.

Manali Haridas is a certified nutritionist & fitness trainer who has completed numerous courses relating to health and fitness. However, she is not a physician, nutritionist, physiologist, kinesiology, or other professional. The Information is provided to you on an “as is” basis. Neither Manali Haridas nor the Third Party Resources are engaged in rendering any professional opinion, service, or advice as part of the Information.

Nothing on this web site may be considered authoritative or complete, as it does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. You should never disregard or delay any medical attention or advice because of something that you have read in the Information or use it as a substitute for a consultation or visit with your physician or other health care professional.

Always consult your physician or other health care professional before making any decision based upon something that you have read on this web site. Neither Manali Haridas nor the Third Party Resources recommend or endorse any specific products, processes, drugs, pharmaceuticals, procedures, tests, opinions, or other information that may appear in the Information, including the services of any Third Party Resource.

Any use of or reliance upon the Information is solely at your own risk and neither Manali Haridas nor the Third Party Resources shall be responsible or liable to you for any loss or damage that may be directly or indirectly caused as a result thereof.