bigstock-balance-6635987-300x199As a grown-up, it is your job to take responsibility for your emotional wellbeing. You have complete, total control and power over one person—yourself—so you are responsible for every area of your life, including feelings you carry with you on a daily basis that could be affecting more than you realize.

Feelings are neither good or bad, they just are.  I’m certain that many of you have heard this statement.  Why then do the majority believe that some feelings are good and some are bad. 

Why are we afraid to feel our feelings? 
We know little about our emotions or feelings and even less about how to live with them, deal with them and process them out of our bodies.
We cannot choose which feelings we will or we won’t have.  They’re automatic.  They give us immediate feedback about how a particular person or situation is affecting us.  Often an emotion we are feeling in the present moment is linked not only to the present situation but to a situation which occurred a long time ago. 

Life is the balance. Everything that you see as life, everything that you see as yourself is beautiful only when it is in balance. If you lose balance in your thought, it is called insanity. If you lose balance in your emotion, the very juice of life, it becomes torture, both for yourself and for others. Your body, your thought, your emotion, your activity – everything is beautiful only when it is in balance.

Past emotions that have not been dealt with, have a direct effect on our emotional reactions to situations in today.   Emotions that are denied or suppressed stay in our bodies in our tissues, glands, muscles, organs and systems.  They leave when we re-feel them or truly feel them for the first time, and release them.

So, how to bring balance into one’s life?
Balance is such that even if you are on the battlefield, you are still balanced. If your inner balance is absolute, you can harness the external, your body, and your mind, to the highest possible level – and that is all a human being can do. When it comes to external situations, there is no such thing as perfect balance. Within myself, I may be absolutely balanced, but in activity, it is still a constant adjustment.

Understanding our emotions:
What is an emotion or feeling and how can we work with them.  An emotion is a reaction to a person, situation or object in our lives, real or imagined.  It is a reaction to what is before us or to a memory of a similar situation in the past.  Many of us are afraid of our feelings, afraid that if we really feel them we will lose control.  Or, we fear that if we begin to feel a feeling this process will never stop.  We often deny our feelings and pretend they aren’t there.  We deny them, repress them, squelch them.   We think that by pretending they’re not there they’ll go away.  But feelings which are not faced and owned never go away.  They are buried alive, ready to poke their heads out and come to the surface the moment they have a chance.

Our patterns!
Humans use may mean to keep feelings stuffed down and suppressed.  We smoke cigarettes,  drink alcohol excessively, use recreational drugs and hard drugs, overeat, and  participate in compulsive sex. These activities are used to stuff down feelings.   Staying constantly busy is another way to keep from feeling our feelings.  Individuals who are always busy and have difficulty sitting quietly by themselves usually have difficulty feeling their feelings. Individuals are more comfortable intellectualizing or talking about their feelings rather than feeling their feelings.  We analyze them, turn them inside out and upside down and break down our feelings to the smallest detail.  But we go to great lengths to avoid feeling our feelings.

Repressed feelings don’t go away.
They can distort your present behavior and create illness and disease in your body.  If you don’t deal directly and honestly with yourself and your emotions you eventually become so disconnected from yourself you are not present to yourself or to anyone else.  

Here is what you can start with the first 3 steps for releasing your negative emotions and achieving more balance: 

  1. Let yourself feel: Do not cheat yourself of the emotions you are supposed to feel. If you feel like celebrating, go out and have some fun! For an hour, don’t mind the stack of work loaded on you; the world will not stop turning if you put off work for a bit. If you feel like being melancholic, then go and cry it out. You need, to be honest, if you are hurting because pretending will only cause you more pain in the end.Remember, if you are really intent on finding emotional balance in life, at least own up to your emotions and acknowledge them. Never deprive yourself of feeling what you are feeling.
  2. Release the voice within: Admit it: Sometimes, when you get too frenzied about something, you tend to hide it and when you are angry, you let loose and curse to high heavens. That is the danger of having an unstable emotional state: having no control over your feelings. Finding emotional balance in life means you need to let go of those voices within. One needs, to be honest about what he or she feels because if not, he or she is only deceiving the people around him — not to mention himself or herself as well.
  3. Journal Daily: Journaling is a great outlet for your stored emotions. Daily journaling helps you to release your negative thoughts, amplify and balance your chakras and energies. You can journal in a diary or online. 

Let’s start today to honour our emotions honestly. Let’s start releasing the past negative baggage we carry.
Love and light,

Manali esign