Meditation has been practiced in India for thousands of years because people knew that it reduces stress, calms the mind and increases inner peace.

In the 1970s medical researchers at Harvard University began studying a form of meditation from India called Transcendental Meditation®. They found that during the practice of meditation the body has what they call the relaxation response, which gives the body deep rest that is deeper than the rest from sleep. They also found that through regular meditation that deep rest builds up in the body over time, and it is that deepening reservoir of rest that reduces stress and results in the many benefits of meditation.

Meditation is making a resurgence as a practical tool for coping with life and nurturing personal growth.
In fact, it has become very common to use meditation techniques for stress and anxiety relief-ever for banishing panic attacks.

Meditation and Anxiety Connection:

Chaos demands our attention. With meditation, you can use the quietness of your mind to surround and subdue chaos. Let it go easily somewhere else, while you apply your energy to reaching out into the universe for answers. Let the answers come to you as easily as you let chaos go.

Anger is a difficult form of anxiety. We often become consumed with the accompanying stress and anguish because meditation stems from quietness, it allows you to take yourself away from anger’s usual stressful breeding ground, where you can examine the emotion honestly and safely apart from your day-to-day world. When you meditate for anxiety relief, your awareness is stronger than your anger.

You learn to meditate by meditating. The silence and stillness you experience in meditation and the increased happiness and diminished stress you experience outside meditation are so attractive and welcomed that you naturally teach yourself how to go deeper into that silence and stillness each time you meditate.

We’re learning more every day about the connection between the mind and body. Meditation harnesses the power of the mind to make healthy changes in the body. One of the first benefits of meditation is relaxation and comfort. This can be measured by traditional medical means, including blood pressure, heart rate, and a decrease in anxiety-related symptoms, such as headaches and muscle tension.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Reduces Stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation.
  • Controls Anxiety.
  • Promotes Emotional Health.
  • Enhances Self-Awareness.
  • Lengthens Attention Span.
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss.
  • Can Generate Kindness.
  • May Help Fight Addictions.
  • Reducing physical discomfort
  • Putting things into perspective to make a better decision
  • Coping with difficult situations.

Try a class to experience how your life changes after meditating.