I look at motivation as excitement. So how can you remain motivated in a simple way that works every single day?
Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast. Sometimes it is really easy to get motivated, and you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself and you’re trapped in a death spiral of procrastination.
Why is motivation important?
Motivation is important because it:
- provides you with goals to work towards
- helps you solve problems
- helps you change old habits
- helps you cope with challenges and opportunities
- Getting motivated
- Most people struggle with motivation, but it is even more challenging if you have mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.
Why daily Motivation?
The ‘WHY’ is very important.
To keep that clear-eyed outlook, write down a few reasons you want to get fit (or whatever your goal is). While that may sound obvious, naming concrete things you want will make it easier to track your progress and stay motivated, rather than aiming for an abstract goal like “get healthy.”
How to Get Motivated and Take Action
Many people struggle to find the motivation they need to achieve the goals they want because they are wasting too much time and energy on other parts of the process. If you want to make it easy to find motivation and get started, then it helps to automate the early stages of your behavior.
Motivation comes in waves. Some days we hop out of bed, ready to take on the world. We start big projects, dream big dreams, and know that FINALLY, we’re going to accomplish something.
But then, tomorrow comes.
That is how motivation works. So, if we rely on motivation alone, we are setting ourselves up for failure.
We need to set up systems to make achieving our goals as easy as possible — even when our motivation is low.
Schedule Your Motivation
Setting a schedule for yourself seems simple, but it puts your decision-making on autopilot by giving your goals a time and a place to live. It makes it more likely that you will follow through regardless of your motivation levels. Stop waiting for motivation or inspiration to strike you and set a schedule for your habits.
Here are some practical tips that you can implement daily to stay motivated:
Take a break–you deserve it.
The only way we can perform at an optimal level is to create time for rest. The moment you know you can’t take any time off is usually when you need it most.
Intention Matters
Set an intention for the day. Add it to your schedule.
Celebrate the little wins, no matter how small.
Little wins may seem like just that–little. Celebrating these wins can help to create positive habits. You break the inertia of mediocrity by teaching everyone around you how to win. They get the chance to bask in that emotion.
Cut down your to-do list to half:
Slashing your aggressive to-do list in half will allow room for success. Knowing that it’s realistic for you to complete the list is empowering.
Take a 2-minute meditation break.
When my mind is a bit tired or perhaps even overloaded my energy and motivation go down. So in the afternoons – or when needed – I tend to sit down with closed eyes and just focus on my breathing for 2 minutes.
Be compassionate with yourself.
Stop comparing the accomplishments in your life with those of your neighbor. The story you create in your head will never be as good, and the reality will never be as bad.
Be constructive about the failures.
To make your setbacks more valuable and less hurtful be constructive about them. When you stumble ask yourself: What is one thing I can learn from this setback? Then keep that lesson in mind and take action on it to improve what you do.
Honor your emotions
Sharing defeats and admitting failure is a powerful cultivator of motivation, allowing you to move past the failure. Work through the emotion instead of taking it out on someone else. Then move on to something more constructive.
Keep a running list of what makes you smile
Make a list of your happy moments and memories. When you feel low, read this list and smile.
Play music that gives you energy.
One of the simplest things I do when I feel low in energy or motivation is to play the music that is upbeat and/or inspires me in some way. A break with a few songs or working while listening to them for a while usually works well.
Develop a gratitude practice
Practice saying the 3 magic words more often, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you”.
Setbacks are normal, but developing resilience can help you carry on and pick up where you left off. Let’s not lose hope; let’s keep working on our daily habits.
It’s all about our mindset.
Love and light,