Spiritual Law of Attraction is the theory that through regular meditation, grounding, balanced Chakras (energy centers) and positive, constructive thought, you can make your dreams and desires become reality.
This concept has been around a long, long time, from the ancient Hindu concept of “karma” to its many modern forms such as “Positive Thinking”, “Mental Science”, “Pragmatic Christianity”, “Religious and/or Divine Science”, and “Practical Metaphysics”.
On the spiritual level, it is believed that thoughts have an energy of their own, which attracts whatever the person is thinking of. This energy itself is neither positive nor negative-it simply is.
In order to harness this energy to your benefit, one must practice for things:
1. Know what you want.
2. Ask the universe for it.
3. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
4. Be open to receiving it.
You can use the law of attraction to manifest faster results by taking the following steps:
1. Be Grateful Now:
Gratitude can dramatically change your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for. When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. So as the first rule to manifesting faster results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.
2. Speak of It:
It may seem hypocritical at first when you learn of the law of attraction to speak of your desires as if they are already here. In reality all things are already created. The moment a thought is conceived you have brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and the faster it moves into your state of being.
3. Surround Yourself With The Things You Desire:
You maybe asking, how can I surround myself with the things that I want if I don’t have it? It may not be yours at the moment but you can borrow, you can visit, above all you can place yourself in the environment and among the people who are closely link to the things you desire. The law of attraction will give you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you are speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.
4. Let Go!
Let go of what you want. Yes, let it go. Know that you desire to experience a particular thing but don’t hold on out of fear of doubt. The more you cling on to the needing or wanting feeling the more disastrous your manifesting will be. You will only succeed in feeling more needy. Allow yourself to feel full and confident.
5. Learn to Receive:
To activate the law of attraction you must move into the state of receiving. This is something most people cannot do. Many people say that they want certain things but few people know how to receive those things that they are asking for. Most people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they want. Deep within they feel that they do not deserve nor will they get what they are asking for. Become worthy and allow yourself to receive.
6. Give What You Desire Most:
You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give.
7. Try Reiki:
Reiki is a powerful energy and chakra balancing technique that helps kick-start this law of attraction and helps you heal your physical symptoms, balances your emotions and stress and helps give clarity to your life. Try a Reiki session and see how it changes and empowers your life!
Email Manali at [email protected] to book your first free 20 minutes Reiki session today!