Bucket List: Love Myself – Hollie Davies

Bucket List: Love Myself – Hollie Davies

“We all want to be loved, don’t we? Everyone looks for a way of finding love. It’s a constant search for affection in every walk of life.” – Audrey Hepburn Love is a wonderful thing. It brings us happiness, confidence and strength. I’m lucky to have lots of love in my...

Love Yourself Workshop – Wednesday February 20

Hi everyone! On Wednesday February 20 I will be hosting a Love Yourself Workshop from 6 pm – 7 pm @TheSpace (139 Bank Street). The cost is $10 per person. In this workshop you will learn: •Tools to better connect with yourself •Understanding the mind and body...

2013 Making Things Happen Goal Setting Workshop February 6

Hi everyone! Happy 2013! Every New Year so many of us set resolutions about things we want to change in the up coming year.   Lose weight/eat more veggies/write that novel.  But by mid-February, how many of us are a slim, spinach-eating, novel-writing machine? I am...