Love Beetroot- Healing Properties

Love Beetroot- Healing Properties

Not only is beetroot great for boosting stamina and making muscles work harder, it also contains potassium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins A, B6 and C, and folic acid. Beets also contain carbohydrates, protein, powerful antioxidants and soluble fibre. What’s...
Need more Self Discipline in your life?

Need more Self Discipline in your life?

Willpower. Self-control. Self discipline.  These are many names that all mean the same thing: having the mental strength and attitude to consciously do the things you know you must do; even when you don’t emotionally want to. Higher willpower is associated with being...
Why do a Naturopathy Detox Cleanse?

Why do a Naturopathy Detox Cleanse?

The liver, small intestine, kidneys, and colon are the major organs involved in the body’s detoxification system. it is important to first cleanse the kidneys and colon, as these two eliminative organs are responsible for carrying toxic waste out of the body.  If they...
7 Easy ways to reduce holiday stress

7 Easy ways to reduce holiday stress

The holiday season is a busy time with many demands such as parties, shopping, baking, cleaning and entertaining. It’s important to minimize the stress of the holidays and enjoy them even more.  Below are some easy to follow tips to reduce holiday stress: 1....
Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning?

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning?

Lemon is a yellow fruit whose pulp, juice, peel and even its zest can be exclusively used in food further the sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of 5 % to 6% of citric acid in lemon juice. This distinctive taste of lemon juice also makes it one of the...